AURAL HEMATOMA | Pumpkin when he had a medical problem with his left ear, Nov/Dec 2011
Pumpkin one day was shaking his head and I noticed his left ear was funny looking. As I looked closer, I noticed that his ear had swollen and you could feel a sack like fluid around his ear lobe. We called right away and got him into the vets. Here it was found Pumpkin, due to shaking his head had caused an aural hematoma in the left ear flap. We were told that if we did nothing, his ear would probably become deformed and would look awful. We chose surgery.
This surgery recovery was touch and go. Pumpkin had to wear the cone of shame, so not to scratch the ear.
He was all bandaged and his ear was laid close to his head and wrapped with gauze and bandages.
Throughout the recovery process, we had to go several times to the doctor, due to the bandages coming loose. We had to use a peroxide type solution with gauze to keep the wound sterile and clean. It was a rough couple of weeks, but the most important thing was Pumpkin again stayed tough and we got through this.
Thank God for Doctor Larry and Pumpkin’s earthbound healer, vet tech, Laurel. They were so caring and patient with his healing issues.
One of the conditions that Pumpkin had several years ago was an Aural Hematoma. This condition is a swelling of the ear pinna (ear flap). This results in ruptured blood vessels in the ear pinna caused by a trauma, often the dog or cat shaking its head continuously. It resembles an egg filled with fluid. That fluid is blood clots. This can be from an ear infection, allergies, irritation or even parasites. This can even happen to dogs without floppy ears. It was once explained to me that the ear pinna is like a laminate that has separated.
Surgical correction is usually recommended. Resolving the underlying cause is important or it can happen again. Doing nothing can result in a rupture of blood all over, or eventually it can thicken to resemble “cauliflower ear”
I am a registered veterinary technician. It is my job to assist the doctor with the surgery and bandage changes.
Laurel Zarefoss RVT